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My TV keeps dimming even when I have no devices connected to it

I have a Panasonic LCD TV. Model TC-L55E50. About a month ago it started dimming towards the top and right side of the tv. I removed all devices and even the message that tells me No signal. Ensure an external device….. is dimming. Is it the T-Con board or the Inverter. If I turn the tv on I see the backlight with no problems

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Good chance it could be a bad T-con board.
Just for kicks, have you tried going into the Picture Settings and turning off the C.A.T.S feature? If you go to Settings > Picture Mode (then create a Custom picture mode) > (scroll up to) C.A.T.S = Turn it off. Probably won’t do anything, but this is the setting that controls screen brightness fluctuation.

There’s a video on YouTube of a guy fixing this problem by whacking one side of his TV with a rolling pin and the picture pops back on again, probably something loose, but I wouldn’t recommend that (haha) https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=deskto...

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