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Model A1297 Unibody: Early 2009, Mid 2009, Mid 2010, Early 2011 & Late 2011

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GAH! I stripped the head of one of the logic board screws!

I'm removing the logic board of my early '09 MBP 17' so I can remove the heatsink to replace the thermal grease with some better-applied high-quality stuff to see if I can improve heat transfer from the CPU etc. to the heatsink. This should improve thermals by a noticable amount from what I've read. I would be finding out for myself just how much this helps if I could just get this screw out! I was careful about it and everything; correct sized screw driver (from iFixit), enough downward pressure but not alot of turning torque. I got most of the other screws out without a hitch, and this one just started giving out without budging.

So! I need advice on removing said screw.

Edit: It seems I already have someone who can help me procure a replacement screw.

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The screw was a 3 mm right? Do you still need it?


Yes, I emailed you from my gmail account with the same screenname.


It went out today.


Thank you so much!


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Here's a thread from ehmac.ca my favorite canadian Mac discussion forum about a similar problem:


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That's got some very helpful ideas! Might just try the glue one.


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Tell me which screw it is and I probably have it.

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It's one of the 3.2mm Phillips screws that fasten the logic board to the chassis (all of these are the same length). More specifically, it was the one in the corner by the Superdrive and the battery.


I have to go to bed soon and I will need to find my bolly and dig in my screw bottles but I believe I have it in hand right now, just need to measure. I should be able to confirm by 1400 CST tomorrow. Need your email now and then I will delete the post.


Check the tear down to see if it isn't a 3mm not a 3.2mm


I was asked about the boley. It's called a bolly gauge and it primarily used in dentistry. Measures millimeters with pinchers.


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If you have a dremel tool with the thin cutting disc, you can sometimes cut a groove into the screw head that will then allow you turn it with a regular flathhead screwdriver. Just be careful not to cut too deep, or you run the risk of slicing half the head off.

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I would be very weary about taking a dremel to it, as the screw head is only roughly as thick as a fingernail, and as can be deduced from the problem, very very soft. A dremel would have no problem going right through it and straight into the logic board.


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