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Televisions made by the Chinese multinational electronics company, TCL.

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Why is my volume buttons not working on TCL Roku TV Remote

Hey, yesterday my volume buttons on my TCL Roku TV stopped working and everything i do doesn’t work, Do i need a new remote or a whole new TV? Its the 30-34 Inch TV

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What do you mean by “and everything i do doesn’t work”

Is it just the volume down that does not work or everyting?

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no its all volume buttons and everything i do means every tutorial to get the buttons to work doesn't work, also are you even going to help me get the volume buttons to work?


@diango787b "also are you even going to help me get the volume buttons to work?"

That's why I've asked you to clarify.

If your volume buttons are working on the TV itself, and the rest of the buttons are working on your controller, then it may be the capacitive circuit in the controller that is at fault.

I would open the controller is clean it with ISO 99% and a Q-Tips. It may have some liquid damage in that area.

If that don't change anything, try with a universal controller. If everything works except the volume keys again,then maybe there is an issue with the main board in the TV, but I doubt it.


@innovatrix alright thank dude


@innovatrix hey i dont have volume buttons under my tv, its only the power button


Then I would check the circuit board of the remote. It may have some dry liquid impeding the contacts


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