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Why is my Panasonic TV turning off after working (8 red blinks)


My Panasonic TV (TC-P50G10) has been having an issue where it turns off after about 30 minutes of it working perfectly fine. When it turns off the power button starts blinking 8 times. I have read that I might need to go into the back of the TV and mess with the SS board. I wanted to check first if anyone has had this issue before and if they had a more simple fix.

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Hello Bowlesco4

Does putting a small fan behind the TV and doing air conditioning behind the TV change the operating time of the TV?


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Can you take the back off your TV and check for any leaky or bulged capacitors? I have attached a picture for reference.

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bowlesco4 that is correct. An 8 blink error code means the SS board is failing. Slightly different model Panny but board layout should be very similar.

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bowlesco4 будет вечно благодарен.
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