NFC and Wireless Charging issues after repair

My Pixel 4xl had a cracked back and at that time the NFC slowly quit working. The wireless charging worked flawlessly still, but I still wished to get it fixed. So, knowing ifixit sells pretty good parts, I purchased the Google Pixel 4 XL Rear Panel Assembly ******item Code: IF356-177-1. I obviously choose this one because it comes preassembled and just have to change out the back cover and everything is there. Unfortunately after I installed, I attempted to turn on NFC and no dice. I went to test wireless charging and now not working. I have my flash and microphone working just fine. Could it be the part that was sent to me? I didn't kink the ribbon at all and installed per instructions here on ifixit. If anyone has any ideas please let me know ASAP! Thanks!

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