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13-дюймовый MacBook Pro, выпущенный в мае 2020 года, оснащен четырехъядерными процессорами Intel 10-го поколения Core i5 и i7 и интегрированной графикой Intel Iris Plus. (Модель A2251/EMC3348 с четырьмя портами Thunderbolt 3)

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I spilled soda on the keyboard, but I found a replacement one online.

I purchased the machine the first week after this model was available for sale, and within a week I had spilled soda-pop on it. To this day I haven’t managed to damage it further, but I am unable to find a service center that will fix the backlight. The backlight still turns on and off, but at a very limited range of brightness, as well as uneven lighting across the keyboard, with certain keys being stuck on maximum brightness.

I have had the computer serviced a couple of times by Apple, but the keys seem to be all-around sticky from time to time anyways. Apple was unwilling to repair the keyboard’s backlight without doing a motherboard replacement as well. I am unwilling to pay that much to fix the backlight especially if the motherboard works fine. (And I would have to reinstall my bootcamp windows partition if they replace my internal SSD)

However, I found a replacement keyboard on amazon. So my question’s are how would I go about installing this, and does this contain the parts necessary to fix the backlight? Thanks in advance to whoever answers.

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Sorry no the Keyboard unit does not include the keyboard backlight assembly.

Sadly, Apple redesigned things so the backlight assembly is more than just a backlight on the 2016 onward systems! Its also the interconnection for the fans and the keyboard to the logic board. The part is not available by it’s self You need one of these which also includes the keyboard!

  • 13” MacBook Pro Top Case with keyboard - Space Grey Apple P/N 661-15956
  • 13” MacBook Pro Top Case with keyboard - Silver Apple P/N 661-15957

Now this is for the US standard keyboard if you have an ISO layout you’ll need to apply the prefix letter which notes the country keyboard layout

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