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Fan spinning at 100% all the time

I’ve launched a game under Windows yesterday, but suddenly after a few seconds fan started spinning at 100%, then screen went black.

Post reboot everything is running as normal, temps are ok, performance is good, suspend/resume works, but fan keeps spinning at 100% (2600 rpm). I can still control it with Macs Fan Control.

I’ve tried NVRAM RAM reset and unplugging from the socket for a whole night, but doesn’t help.

Apple diagnostic shows PPN001 and PFM006 – issues with SMC and power management system.

Will replacing the bottom logic board fix the issue or I need to replace CPU board? Is there any way to force reset SMC?

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I've removed one GPU (the one with SSD slot), then reinserted it. GPU2 die sensor reappeared. LuxMark shows both GPU's core clock 850 MHz (previously first GPU showed just 150 MHz). Fan is now working properly. Apple diagnostic shows no issues at all.

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It ended up one GPU repair as well as SMC repair. Cost about $639.


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