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What Type Of Screwdrivers to open iPhone 4?


I mean the screws inside the iphone 4, not the 2 screws located in the charge dock or back cover, I'm talking about all the screws after screwing those 2 off and opening the back piece of the iphone 4. I almost purchase every tool there is, and all they can do is open the 2 bottom screws. Can someone tell me where can i get them, either online or in life, and tell me the exact name to look without getting mixed up with the screws that can only open the bottom 2 screws of iphone 4.

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at the top of the guides..linked on the right under the photo of the phone it tells you what tools you need. i believe it's a philips head(ph) #00..all you have to do is check before you start and you should be fine.


Yes but i purchased a bunch of them on ebay/amazon and all they do is screw off the 2 screws on the charge dock.


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The Phillips screws on all iPhones including the iPhone 4 is standard Phillips #00. But manufacturers are sloppy so you may have to try a couple of screwdrivers to get a good #00. Also inside iPhone 4 you will need a very small standard flat screwdriver. When you get good screwdrivers, run a simple magnet along the length, straight off the tip to magnetize them for your iPhone repair work. Keep your iPhone screws in good order, they are all different lengths.

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you have two type of screw driver:

=>the first one is a classic cross screw driver


=>pentolobe screw driver like this one

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