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A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

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I changed the thermal paste in my computer and now it won't turn on.

I changed the thermal paste on my CPU and after reinstalling the motherboard and all cables it won’t boot. All that happens is that my fans turn on for like a second while my start button flashes white. The flash ends and the fans turn off. It keeps going like that until I unplug it. I don’t know if I installed it incorrectly or if I did something else wrong

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What is the make and model number of the motherboard?


@jayeff My motherboard is a hp ipm17-002


So, what was the solution? It happened to me.


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@Erica Samsioe

What is the model number of the PC? The motherboard is used on several different HP models e.g. Envy, Pavilion, Omen etc so a white light "may" mean different things,

Have you tried a power refresh?

Disconnect the power from the PC and then press and hold the Power on button for a full 30 seconds then release.

Reconnect the power and try turning it on.

If still no good repeat the procedure but this time remove the coin cell RTC battery from the motherboard after disconnecting the power and before pressing the Power on button for 30 seconds.

Reinsert the battery (usually it is +ve on top - marked on battery), reconnect the power and turn on.

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I have an Omen model and yeah, it was one of the first things I tried. Tried it again and also tried the thing with the coin cell, still won't boot


@Erica Samsioe

How many times does the power light flash before it stops?


@jayeff The light flashes once


@Erica Samsioe

You said "... after reinstalling the motherboard and all cables it won’t boot."

Did you remove the motherboard from the case to refresh the CPU thermal paste?

If so check that the bottom of the board is not shorting out to the case etc.

You may have to remove it again to check the stand-off screws are positioned OK


I removed the motherboard, don't remember why atm. How do I tell if the board is shorting? All I know is that the screws are positioned fine


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reseat your RAM also verify the CPU cooler is connected to the right header.

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Yeah, I reseated my RAM and the CPU cooler is connected to the right header. It's still not booting


@Erica Samsioe check the cpu/socket pins one might be bent


Yeah, no the pins are fine


@Erica Samsioe Than you need a different compatible CPU to test if the current one died or if the motherboard died. sadly maintenance is usually when this can happen.

Try it with a different PSU while it is out of the case on a cardboard box as well. Also unplug the 24pin power and the CPU addition power 4/2+2 and look at those connection to see if a pin pushed out.


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