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Repair guides for displays (or monitors) for computers or other devices with video output.

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HP Z30i monitor with white line down centre of screen

Hi, I have an HP Z30i IPS display. It is around 8 years old. It now has a white line down the centre of screen approx 100mm/4” wide. I turned it off one evening and it was working fine, the next evening when I turned it on the white line appeared. Prior to this it had been working fine.

The line appears when connected to computer and computer on. Nothing else appears of screen - no output from PC, or even when pressing monitors menu buttons.

I have checked the capacitors on the power supply module, and they all seem to look ok.

The LCD screen is manufactured by LG - model no: LM300WQ6 , The controller board has a number LM300WQ6-SLA1.

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What is wrong with it, and what parts do I need to fix / replace ?


EDITED added higher resolution photos of cables/boards

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I had exactly same white line, but only when computer was not connected. When computer was connected there was reddish dots all around. I was already about to ditch the monitor, but took one more picture of it and suddenly dialog about not connected to a device appeared. After that I connected it back to computer and it seemed to work again. Except that the white light line remained on the background.


Hi, I have the same problem, did you find any solution? thank you


Hi, No I never found a solution. I have kept the monitor incase someone else does come up with a solution.


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wheresdavo that looks like a source driver error. It is connect to the cable that goes from your LCD driver board to the panel. See if you can see any damage on it. Carefully, it is very frail and it is “glued” to the panel. Do not try to remove it etc. Focus on the area I marked in red

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Your monitor’s source driver could be a COF (Chip on flex) so check carefully.

Of course check all the ribbon cables from the main board to the T-con board and from there to the LED driver board. check for tears and corrosion as well as other damage. Source driver failure. This symptom appears as a single vertical band around 1 to 2 inches (depending on the panel size) and can be black, white, or any other color. It can also contain video information with distortion. A single vertical line that is dark or colored. This may be due to a tab bonding failure from the IC to the panel but either cause requires the replacement of the panel.

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Thanks oldturkey03 for the information/help.

I have checked all the connections to the T-Con board, removed the ribbon cables and inserted again. I have also checked for rust/corrosion and and damage to the cables, but can not see anything.

I have uploaded some pics that are higher quality so you can see the boards and connectors.


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