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2.0GHz, 2.3GHz, or 2.6GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache.

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What is upgradeable on my 2013 MBP i7?

[Skip the first paragraph if you don’t want to read about how terrible the new MBP is.]

I just received the 2021 16” MBP M1 Max super computer that I ordered two months ago. I hate it. I mean, I really hate it. The keyboard and trackpad are unusable and I’m not about to carry around an external keyboard and mouse for a laptop this big and heavy and which is supposed to be, you know, a laptop, which by definition should be usable on your lap. Unfortunately, Apple no longer makes laptops with actual keyboards (just flat things with flat keys that barely move when you touch them) and normal sized trackpads (why in the world would they design a trackpad so big that it’s impossible not to touch it when typing?).

I will be left with my Late 2013 15” Retina i7 2.3 GHz with 16GB RAM and a 500GB SSD. The model number is either ME293xx/A or ME294xx/A. I was replacing because it can no longer keep up with Lightroom Classic or various video editing apps, not to mention a Parallels VM. What I need to know is what is and is not upgradeable on my actually-a-laptop? I tried looking through the forums, but I’m honestly so tired and frustrated that I would appreciate it if someone could just give me the information I need. Since I’ll be returning the ridiculously expensive non-laptop I just bought, I’ll have plenty of money for upgrades that might otherwise be cost-prohibitive.

Thanks for your help.

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We you are in a bit of a dilemma!

You’ve got the most RAM this series supports 16GB (all the way up to 2019 models)

You can upgrade the SSD to a bigger one, this series uses the older NVMe/PCIe 2.0 x2 drives but can support the four lane versions. Apple only offered a 1 TB drive, but you go with a OWC 2TB SSD Even still you might want to look at finding a used 2015 system as being better spend some time reviewing and comparing the systems listed here EveryMac - MacBook Pro’s

As an example I’m a photographer I have two of these 15” MacBook Pro 2.8GHz Core i7 Mid-2015 (DG) which I just love when I’m in the field. COVID has sidelined me so they are just waiting to get back out ;-}

OWC Aura Pro X2 SSD Изображение


OWC Aura Pro X2 SSD


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This was super helpful. Thank you! I hope you won’t mind answering a couple more questions. Do you use Lightroom Classic by any chance? If so, could you give me an idea of how it performs on your model? My 2013 has gotten to a point where even navigating in the Library lags and if I’m using an external display via AirPlay (my HDMI is broken), it’s hopelessly slow. I also do some video converting and processing, but I usually do that overnight or while I’m not otherwise using the computer, so it’s not as big of a deal.

My other big memory and processor hog is obviously the Parallels VM. It’s not horrible, but it does get hung up sometimes. Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell if that’s RAM, processor, or something else.

I guess my other question is why you have two? Do you use them for different things?


@cat_avenue - Yes I use Lightroom as well as some other photo apps. I create ultra large images used in theater backdrops as well as museum dioramas. These images are just too big for the MacBook Pro's but I use my system more for proofing the images (which I then knit together on my Mac Pro and my Thread Ripper based hackintosh). I would say most folks would find the '15 system more than fine! But you may need to manage your drive space better. I have 2TB drives and I make sure I leave a good portion of the drive empty so its available for Virtual RAM, Caching as well as application scratch space.

I don't use MS Windows or Linux on my MacBook's. They are running the bare minimum of macOS apps. I use Linux on my Hackintosh as well as macOS. I would advise you do the same if you are a pro who just can't have hiccups!

The second is just a backup ;-} and if I'm working on two projects in the same time I focus each on the given project. But my use (workflow) is a bit odd!


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