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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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MBP 13 inch 2014 and 2015 battery compatibility

is it compatible to replace MBP 13 A1502 mid-2014 battery with an early 2015 battery?

I have MBP mid-2014 I want to replace the battery with an early 2015 battery if it's possible and no damage.

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Batteries are tricky! Between the dimensions of the cells and the needed space for the cells to properly expand, The physical connections and the data interface between the battery to the SMC logic so the battery assembly can be properly charged. So unless you are willing to spend the energy verifying each and every aspect I would recommend you just get the correct battery

So why do you think you need to replace it with a different series battery?

Late 2013-Mid 2014 Battery:

  • Battery Model #: A1493
  • Watt Hours: 71.8 Wh
  • Voltage: 11.34 V
  • Milliamp Hours: 6300 mAh

Early 2015 Battery:

  • Battery Model #: A1582
  • Watt Hours: 74.9 Wh
  • Voltage: 11.36 V
  • Milliamp Hours: 6560 mAh

The difference between them is not that great! Only 3.1 Watt Hours of run time! About 10 to 15 minutes.

Bottomline stick with the correct battery!

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@danj Thanks for your info, I just have wanted to have a long battery running nothing more.


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