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Xbox One — третья по счёту игровая приставка от компании Microsoft, являющаяся преемником Xbox 360.

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Why does my Xbox instantly turn off when I turn it on?

So I recently had broken the front panel connector (simply because of my intelligence) and when I launched my Xbox after switching my drive out with a 1tb drive and turned it on, I received an error, an e100 error. I know these to be the death of Xbox ones so I switched the drive back and the issue remained. Then I attempted a offline download off my USB and it quit after download 30%, and then I clicked factory reset. After I did that, it turned off and I haven’t got it to boot since. I’ve since taken it apart and discovered that even with every single cable disconnected it still does the same thing, the fan twitches when it’s powered, the disk drive makes a very faint noise, but the hdd stays on for the whole period before I here a click of the hard drive turning off, along with the light of the power supply. I’ve also tried different psus, it does not help.

Pretty sure this is it for this guy but if someone has an idea of how to fix this give me a shot.

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I want to say its the power brick,
i ran into the same problem

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