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Model A1502 / 2.6 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.1 GHz) or 2.8 GHz (Turbo Boost up to 3.3 GHz) dual-core Intel Core i7 processor with 4MB shared L3 cache.

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keys 1qaz not working after battery replacement

I have replaced my macbook pro 13" 2014 battery but ended up losing some keyboard functions: 1qaz, backspace dim, brightness and volume down. Have i damaged the circuit or something since 1qaz are in a row?

I have used the input keyboard in systems preference and can see that when i click on these keyboard buttons i have mentioned that they are not recognised by my laptop.

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you may have to open her up and recheck all the connectors you removed and reassembled. fairly forgiving as far as errors as long as they were not damaged.

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tayiba hussain будет вечно благодарен.
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