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Флагманская и самая дорогая модель смартфона от Apple 2019 года, была выпущена 20 сентября и стала логическим продолжением линейки iPhone XS Max. Новое устройство имеет 6,5-дюймовый OLED-дисплей, тройную основную камеру и сильно увеличенное автономное время работы от аккумулятора.

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battery dying quickly after ifixit screen replacement 11 pro max

Hey guys so i replaced the screen with an ifixit led kit and everything went smoothly. Shes is working like a charm and phone looks so nice.

I’ve replaced the screens on my phones (literally my 6, 6s, 7 xr, and now my 11 pro max) build and repair computers and different electronics over the years. Followed steps exactly as the best I could find.

But i noticed that after replacing the screen (with the LED not the oled kit) my battery is dying much much faster than usual. Though the LED does seem to be a lot brighter than the original oled panel, but still.

It stinks there is the adhesive there so it’ll be a pain to remove to just open again, but is this issue common after a replacement? And if so is there a fix for it?

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The reason for this is because OLED displays light up every pixel individually so black the pixels are turned off while on LCD displays the backlight is lit up whenever the display is on no matter what color is being displayed so the backlight will draw more power (and I have heard of cases where people replaced there OLED displays with LCD and burn out there backlight circuit from too much power draw) and therefore drain the battery faster.

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As mentioned, if you have bought an LCD rather than the OLED. Then this will certainly have an effect on battery performance. This phone isn't designed to run an LCD panel unfortunately.

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