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The second generation PlayStation Vita, the PCH-2000 series, is commonly referred to as either the PS Vita Slim or the PS Vita 2000. Announced in Japan fall 2013, and released in North America in May 2014. It is rated as a hand held entertainment device. Supported by :: Wi‑Fi, PlayStation Now, PlayStation Network / Plus, Bluetooth. Model number: PCH-2001.

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Can I replace US consoles screen with JP colored version?

I need to replace my U.S. vita slims screen/front assembly. Can I purchase one of the JP variety that come in many more colors? Or are the parts region specific?

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Mark Abramson those parts should fit since they are not region depended. Of course, I would ask the seller and if nothing else I would at least give it a try with a good return policy :-)

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Mark Abramson будет вечно благодарен.
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