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Model Number A1707. Released June 2017, this MacBook Pro features Kaby Lake processors up to the 2.8 GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor with Turbo Boost up to 3.8 GHz.

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What kind of glue should I use in a transparent part of return key?

Hey guys!

I needed switch my return key and I did it almost with perfection: key cover (the black thing) and butterfly clip were great but them I found a transparent plastic piece that is glued on keyboard.

I have 2 questions about this transparent piece.

What is the name of this transparent piece? How should I glue it or use a double sided tape (I really appreciate if you could add a link as reference to glue so I can find something close in Brazil) ?

My return key is working but doesn't seem glued well. I have added a photo of transparent piece to help identify.

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Given the risks and how hard it is to glue (the part is welded together) I would just replace the part Space Bar MacBook/MacBook Pro Space Grey (Type-P)

You also might want to try letting Apple fix it for free! Keyboard Service Program for MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro

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@danj do you have Return key? I just need this key. The photo is from same part that I need to glue in my keyboard.


I found this one https://www.thebookyard.com/product.php?... but my Return key only has write "return" on bottom.


@Jackhammer - Sorry I aimed you to the wrong key somehow I had Spacebar in my head.

The given country keyboard the key cap came from maybe different that yours. Go to this page and click on the flag of your country Apple Key Caps


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