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The March 2015 update of Apple's 13" MacBook Air features fifth generation Intel Core i5 and i7 processors, resulting in slightly increased performance and battery life.

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Can I upgrade my SSD while having Monterey Installed?

I have bought an adapter, I know the process to upgrade my ssd. I have a USB that I will clone all of my Mac data onto, then ill install the new ssd and clone the data onto the new NVME drive. However will there be any OS blocks on my ssd and apple will not let me upgrade due to it being and aftermarket ssd. And should I downgrade back to Big Sur

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Cloning is no longer the way to do this as the OS structure is very different from what we had years ago.

The proper way is to use the migration process. First Step is prepping a bootable external drive using the OS installer for your current macOS release, I find a 32GB USB thumb drive is mote that enough for the task. Then backing up your stuff using TimeMachine to an external drive, remove the old SSD drive and slide in your new drive and using your prepped external drive boot up your system so you can prep your new drive using Disk Utility and then running the OS installer


Then once your new drive is setup, launch Migration Assistant to recover your TimeMachine backup.

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Could I do the cloning on Big Sur or Catalina or High Sierra


@talhahneedshelp - You'll need to go back to OS-X Lion! It's not worth the headaches. I haven't needed it for the last 10 or so years for bootable drives. A data drive (one that only has my created work) I sometimes use it, but only on small SSD's, never on HDD's as one of the failings of cloning is it is block copy so any corruption is carried over unlike a file CRC copy. So what you give up for speed is corrupted/unstable files.


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