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Флагманская и самая дорогая модель смартфона от Apple 2019 года, была выпущена 20 сентября и стала логическим продолжением линейки iPhone XS Max. Новое устройство имеет 6,5-дюймовый OLED-дисплей, тройную основную камеру и сильно увеличенное автономное время работы от аккумулятора.

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Touch Issues/Glitching after repair

Recently, I have had a lot of trouble with iPhone 11 Pro Max repairs. Basically, the customer calls back within a day saying their phone is glitching/having touch issues. I use soft oled panels from two very reputable parts suppliers. Does anyone have any words of wisdom on what to look for when installing the screen that might cause this issue? Do I need to order a firmware copying tool for the screen? Any advice is appreciated.

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It don’t believe the issue would be cause by not copying the firmware over as that usually cause true tone not to work and that’s about it

I had this issue before and it was resolved by cleaning the board connector and screen connector with isopropyl alcohol

I know it doesn’t seem like it will do a lot but it will remove microscopic dirt that can cause connector issues

Hopefully this helps


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Thank you. I will try this.


Good luck:-)


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Could be a number of things, I’m an AASP. So ifixit process I am very unfamiliar with. But watching the videos I have an understanding of what might go wrong. Also it’s not uncommon for Apple screens to go bad, the first thing I would address would be, “was I wearing gloves and was I grounded?” This could cause damage to the parts if I wasn’t. I have had screens go bad when I wasn’t, it can be catastrophic or latent damage to the device or components. Next I would open the device and see if the cables were connected to the motherboard correctly, unplug and reset them. Before closing the device turn on the phone and mess with the screen. During this time I would take note of any bent cables and see if the orientation is correct or if the cables were damaged in the process of transferring them from the original screen to the new one. If all that isn’t the problem, then I would use a known working screen to see if the display was just bad. then give the customer the new display and do whatever process you have in place to return the non-working display to get money back so it’s not a total loss to you.

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Thanks for the response. I feel as if it may be faulty firmware in the screen or that I get more bad batches of them than normal. Im hardly ever grounded as I work out of my truck (side business), so I do understand not being grounded can cause issues. My only concern is how the cables bend slightly into the housing and maybe there in lies the issue. However, I have successfully fixed plenty of 11 pro max screens. It's just that my failure rate is much higher on this particular model. I rarely have any issues with other models.


It could also be a damaged socket on the main board.


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