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Released in May of 2020, Model Numbers: SM-A217F/DS (Global), SM-A217F/DSN (Russia), Processor: Exynos 850, 3GB/4GB RAM, 6,5" inches display, 5000 mAh battery with 15W fast charging and USB type C.

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My screen is turning green,how can I fix it?

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I wanna know how to change my screen because the color is turning green and I can also see some colored line in it too.

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Sydian Roberts this could be caused by either a bad screen, a corroded display connector or other thing on the circuit board. For now I suggest that you change the screen Use something like this video to work on it. It is not to expensive and should resolve the issues. If it does not you will have to get some board level troubleshooting done, which my be more costly. Replace the screen and while you do so, check the connector. Make sure it is not corrosion and all the pins are straight etc. Let us know how it works out.

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