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The Marshall Kilburn Bluetooth speaker is a compact, portable stereo speaker. This speaker comes with a built in Class D amplifier with quality sound range for its size. Bluetooth connectivity also allows for quick connections to bluetooth capable devices.

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Volume level low and does not change

Marshall Kilburn speaker volume is low, and the volume control knob does not change the volume in any way. Bluetooth and line in is all the same. I have tried this on three different devices and they are all the same.

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from what your question has told me it sounds like time for a new battery in your speaker!

im not quite sure how to replace it on this model but im pretty sure that YouTube will have a tutorial and eBay will have a battery for you

if you need any help along the way I can try my best to assist you!


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I may have forgotten to say the symptom of low volume is the same on battery or electric power cord. I just replaced the battery just now, no change.



That’s strange,perhaps opening it up may give us a better idea of what’s going on inside

Maybe have a check of all those capacitors as if one goes it can cause low volume and a short could cause a dip in battery life:-)


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