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Лучший смартфон Apple на 2021 год. Выпущенный 24 сентября iPhone 13 Pro Max оснащен 6,7-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем ProMotion, новой системой с тройной задней камерой и возможностью подключения 5G. Преемник iPhone 12 Pro Max.

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I need to replace the lighting cable will the iPhone 13 pros work

In search of a lighting cable port for the pro max but all you seel is the one for the pro is that compatible with the pro max

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are you in the states or europe


@Andre Glass-Johnson sorry thought it was a port you needed, should be the same cable


@tech_ni it is the port my apologies the entire charging port on the pro max is acting up if i can use the one they sell for the peo itd be great


@Andre Glass-Johnson sorry but it wouldnt work, mobilesentrix have the pro max ports. here is a link to the pro max parts. go for 1 labelled pull so that you dont have issues. https://www.mobilesentrix.com/replacemen...


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The iPhone 13 pro’s charge port has a shorter flex than the pro MAX so I wouldn’t expect it to fit.

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