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The RIDGID R7111 VSR heavy-duty drill has an 8-amp motor, die-cast all-metal gearbox, and a 1/2 inch keyed chuck for maximum durability and high power. This device is frequently used for at-home projects or for large constructions jobs due to its versatility and long-term use.

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Rigiid R5010 Corded Hammer Drill -- CHUCK STUCK

Lent drill (Rigid R5010 corded hammer drill to neighbor -- big mistake - returned it and did not tell me that he had to force the bit out.. now chuck is jammed) . Would appreciate advise on how to unstick chuck or process to replace it and recommendations for a KEYED type check replacement...


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Two things.

  1. This answer may help you here
  2. Your manual tells how to remove the chuck

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