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Nintendo's upgraded version of the Nintendo 3DS. It features bigger screens, longer battery life, better pixel density, and a better design.

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The lower half turns on then turns back off

My 3ds xl is currently split in half and I don’t know how to fix it. The lower half turns on then turns back off, can anyone help?

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Con you provide me with some photos please so I can better see what’s going on



@hellomacos how do i provide some photos?



Hi oi just need to follow this guide

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Ответов (1)

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@zera604 if it is physically split in half you will have to tryt and put it back together. If it is the hinge that is broke then you need to replace the center housing. Something like this video will help with that. You can also check these guides for more help.

Nintendo 3DS XL Touchscreen Replacement

Nintendo 3DS XL Upper LCD Display Replacement

Once it is properly back together, re-evaluate and see if it stays on. Make sure that the ribbon cables are properly connected and that everything is seated right.

Nintendo 3DS XL Upper LCD Изображение


Nintendo 3DS XL Upper LCD Display Replacement


Очень сложно

45 minutes - 2 hours

Nintendo 3DS XL Touchscreen Изображение


Nintendo 3DS XL Touchscreen Replacement



1 - 3 hours

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