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Выпущено 21 сентября 2018 г. Модели A1921, A2101, A2102, A2104. Доступен как GSM, CDMA / eSIM или nano-SIM / 64, 256 или 512 ГБ / серебристый, золотой или космический серый. (Произносится как «iPhone 10 S Max.»)

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Copy the SN of the battery on the board and pass it to a new battery

I have an iphone xs max and it gives me the message that the battery is not original, but this is because I changed the plate and the battery of the old plate does not have the same serial number as the new plate, there will be a way to copy the serial number of the plate and pass it to my original battery replacing the code of the previous plate...? just as it is done with the true tone in the JCID that passes the SN of the existing screen on the plate to the new screen and this returns the true tone to work...? There would be the possibility of doing this but with the battery...?

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You cut the BMS board from the old battery and splice it onto the new one.

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