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Face buttons not consistently responding

My 3DS face buttons are not consistently responding and I find myself needing to apply a good amount of pressure to get a response. Is this an issue with the contacts or rubber gasket, should I just replace both?

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iv seen playstation controllers do this before and it teds to be degraded rubber residue on the thin plastic traces that detect a button press

this is usually fixed by cleaning the traces(plastic under the button) and the button with isopropyl alcohol and if that dent work I recommend replacing both the button and the traces them selfs as that eliminates most of what could be causing it!

hopefully this helps


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it could be the contacts from the rubber. has it sustained any liquid damage at all?

have you opened it and checked to see what is going on?

i tried finding some pictures of the button on the board to see but if its a button switch you might be able to clean out the contact with some IPA and fingers crossed it is just gunked up. its its a membrane switch then you MIGHT be able to clean it with some IPA again but you may need a new board.

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