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Дата выхода 19 сентября 2014 года. Это маленькая версия iPhone 6 Plus с 4.7-дюймовым экраном.

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Can I swap the motherboards without loosing any data?

Hi there,

I have two iPhones.

One, whose home button does not have the touch ID function and whose on/off button no longer works (I turn on the iPhone 6 by connecting it and, it turns off by itself, sometimes while still having battery...).

The other is simlocked and works perfectly well, except that I can not install my sim card because I do not have the same operator...

Can I swap the motherboard of the first with the motherboard of the second, and thus be able to use the second with the motherboard of the first but with the touch ID and the on/off button that works?

Or can I not do that, and my phone will be simlocked anyway and I won’t find my information that was on the first one?

Thank you

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hey @bobnmax, first off are these exactly the same phones (same model/ same screen size) if not it will probably not work. anyways your question is can i transfer the motherboard from the first phone to the second phone? Yes, I've personally never worked with iPhone hardware and i don't know what apple is going to pull out of there a**. i do more laptops then phones because for me there more easier i don't think your phone will be sim locked it's just a risk because you don't know what apple might pull off [face ID won't work if it detects an inferior face id system and] and I've seen countless of stories of those situations. just follow an ifixit guide it would fix it if not just send it into a repair shop. also if you just want to unlock the locked sim iphone i recommend just doing that here is a link to unlock a locked iphone 6


you can also go to unlockriver.com to unlock you locked phone


I try to swap them and w'll figure it out


@Solomon Schuler an iphone 6 doesnt have face id


@daniel i know I was just giving an example of what apple could do. I know the iPhone 6 has no face id but I don't know what apple could pull off even just with a switch with the motherboard


I tell you in a few


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Think of it this way, the board is the phone itself, if you swapped the boards, nothing changes.

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the board you have your information on is the 1 you need to keep your data, the touch id problem is probably a home button or flex cable issue

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Yes is the one I want to keep and use the touch id of the second by swaping the board.


@bobnmax ok which board is it you want to use, the 1 that touch id doesnt work on or the sim locked board ?


The 1 that touch Id doesn't work. It's the 1 the phone I use


@bobnmax if you swap over boards touch id still wont work


Yes we can swap te board between two same Iphone 6 as say Tom Chai @tomchai, the board is the phone itself.

So, the phone have all the data, the touch Id still not work but the button on/off yes!

I thought when replace the phone, but keeping my motherboard, I also changed the home button and so the touch ID. But no, the Id key still doesn’t work.

I had bought the used iPhone 6 (whose touch ID doesn’t work) because it was an exposure model whose home button had the touch ID function disabled.

It’s certainly not a connection problem, but I don’t know what doesn’t work with the touch ID.

Thank you for your clues!


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