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The Huawei P8 Lite (Model: ALE-L21) announced April 2015, shows beauty in simplicity. Its professional cameras enable you to take natural and sharp pictures even in the darkest environment. The beauty mode highlights the best features of the owner in every selfie.

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Weak GSM signal indoor

After I took my phone in for repair charging block my Huawei P8lite Have Bad signal then it shows Emergency calls only or No Service But at Certain Spots it Finds A little bit Signal in bathroom Only H+ And in town it gets 4g Its signal is very bad... Before I took it in for repair I didn't struggle with the signal it was 100% working... After I took it in for repair the charging block I struggle with the Signal. I did take it back to them they check what's wrong they said they accidently broke my Anthenna /signal Anthenna they show me it is a Small silver thing... They repair it For free they said because they broke it... But Nothing changed.. Still struggling no service or Emergency Calls only... Please I need Help

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Take it back. What did the part look like? A tiny ring? Also is it from the bottom or the top of the phone? If it's from the bottom they can fit a complete speaker assembly which has the antenna connection on it. If its from the top they need to solder on a new connector, unless they ripped off the pads in which case they would owe you a new phone.

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