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Лучший смартфон Apple на 2021 год. Выпущенный 24 сентября iPhone 13 Pro Max оснащен 6,7-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем ProMotion, новой системой с тройной задней камерой и возможностью подключения 5G. Преемник iPhone 12 Pro Max.

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iPhone 13 pro max replace motherboard


I have iphone 13 pro max with icloud , can I replace the Matherboard for iphone XR or something ? With out any problem and I delete the icloud thank you for helping

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Hi Alisky,

No, I'm afraid you're out of luck with swapping motherboards from a different phone. The space is so tight inside a phone that each model has the motherboard custom designed for it, so there's only one motherboard that will fit in an iPhone 13 Pro Max, and that's a motherboard made for an iPhone 13 Pro Max. Even the iPhone 13 Pro and the iPhone 13 won't go in a 13 Pro Max.

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