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The Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro is a mid-range smartphone by Xiaomi released February 2018. It has a 5.99" IPS LCD display, a 12 MP main camera, a 4000 mAh battery, a rear-mounted Fingerprint, and runs on a Snapdragon 636.

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Why my screen auto-touches, when my display damaged at bottom screen?

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As you can see in this image my smartphone is damaged from the bottom side and my screen goes black and white for sometime and then after some minute it turn backs to normal. And from few days auto touch is occuring when my screen is on and even when it's in sleep mode. Now how I can fix this problem?

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My phone is auto touch but not damages any side

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The "Auto Touches" are called Ghost Touchs and are very commons when the digitalizer id damaged. The screen going in and out is probbly your LCD. A screen replacement should fix both.

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