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The HP Elitebook x360 1030 G3 is a 13.3" two-in-one laptop released in 2018. This model name can be found on the underside of the laptop in "Project Name."

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The charging port is wobbly what part should I purchase to replace it?

The charging port on my hp elitebook 360x 1030 is wobbly and only works if I lean it on the side and wiggle and angle the cable end just so. What should I purchase in order to fix it? Everything else seems fine, l'm not too concerned about battery life.

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@mandymoomin this one uses a USB Type-C power connector which is soldered to the motherboard. You'd be looking for a part like this and somebody who can solder this particular part. Not an easy task due to the" hidden pins" There are a couple of good board level repair techs on here but suggestions are only of use if you are in the USA

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Ah, thank you so much. I was hoping to be able to do it myself, but that sounds beyond me. I'm not in the US unfortunately.


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Mandy будет вечно благодарен.
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