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Repair information for printers made by Canon.

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Our PIXMA 922 needs a new print head

We have purchased a new printer but would like to give or sell the old one to someone who will repair it instead of taking it apart. Any suggestions?

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Honestly, the printhead replacement isn't too hard if you're up for the job. You can use Canon's Printhead or an aftermarket one. I don't see a difference in performance. I have some links for some replacement printheads that fit your pixma. As far as disassembly goes, all you're just doing is removing the cartridges and the printer head that holds them, no teardowns.

Aftermarket printhead

OEM Printhead

Here's something from canon that shows you how to replace the printhead too

Replace the Print Head On your PIXMA Series Printer

And if you decide you really want to sell it, I would fix it up first, you'll get a better offer for it

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Thanks. We have found that buying directly from China can be frustrating, might look for suppliers in US. https://www.amazon.com/Canon-Printhead-Q...


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