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24 сентября был выпущен основной iPhone от Apple 2021 года, он оснащен 6,1-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем, двойной камерой на 12 МП и представлен в пяти доступных цветах. Преемник iPhone 12.

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ripped the top ribbon that has to be removed and put back on,,,,

I stripped the two bottom screws and proceeded to take the digitize screen off and ripped the top ribbon. (This is the ribbon that you have to remove. And then install on a new digitizer screen)…I cannot find a replacement ribbon any where. Can anyone direct me as to where I may purchase one? (And what is the correct name for this part)

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The part you are after is the ambient light flex cable. They cost around 4 dollars. Not sure where you are but Union repair have them in stock.

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Thanks Chris! I am in PA….do you have more info on ‘Union’ repair?


@darttmann1 Union repair ship out of Hong Kong https://www.unionrepair.com/replacement-... . You should be able to purchase this part elsewhere like eBay.


Thanks again Chris! I can’t find this item anywhere, so I just ordered from over seas……


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