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The 2013 revamp of the desktop Mac series known as the Mac Pro.

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Mac Pro Powers On for 10 seconds before turning off

I have a Mac Pro 6,1 2013 which turns on for a few seconds, then turns back off, where do I start with diagnosing the issue?

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Update: Based on the I/O board diagnostic LEDs, I'm not transitioning into EFI boot (S0), the platform reset release LED doesnt light up


@Irvin Goh

Is it detected by an external display or a tv?



It's connected to a monitor via hdmi


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Sounds like a Failed Logic Board :(

Part: https://www.thebookyard.com/product.php?... (UK)

https://www.ebay.com/itm/284584975952?mk... (US)

Guide: Mac Pro Late 2013 Logic Board Replacement

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