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24 сентября был выпущен основной iPhone от Apple 2021 года, он оснащен 6,1-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем, двойной камерой на 12 МП и представлен в пяти доступных цветах. Преемник iPhone 12.

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Can I replace these parts?

Lets say I am building a iphone (13) from spare parts from ebay, would I be able to buy a Housing with small parts included (vibrator, speaker, buttons, all cables already in it with screw ) and logic board with the front camera sensers, a screen with the proximity sensors, a oem battery, an earpiece speaker, and the rear facing camera(s) as well as the oem brackets.

Would the phone turn on at all?

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you can buy most of the parts but you will have issues with the camera, the screen and battery will also give warning messages because some parts are serialized to the logic board

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Gavin будет вечно благодарен.
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