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Can I move an SSD to another slot when it is in a RAID 0 configuration

The storage on this device is 512 gb using 2 2230 ssds in a RAID 0 configuration. The only problem that dell put these 2 2230 ssds in the only 2 2280 slots in the laptop. It does have a 3rd slot only for 2230. I was wondering, if I move lets say slot 2 (one of the 2230) to the empty slot 3. Will that mess up the RAID 0 array? I want to add a new 2TB ssd, so that is why I am wanting to free a 2280 slot.

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Here's a link to a similar topic. For most RAID set ups, you don't want to swap anything around because it requires copying and rebuilding the array. YMMV

If you don't mind wiping everything and starting fresh, then it's much less of a concern.

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