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Выпущенный 16 сентября 2016 года смартфон нарекли iPhone 7 Plus. Вышло несколько моделей нового устройства: A1661, A1784, и A1785, а также можно было выбрать между версиями на 32, 128 и 256 Гб встроенного накопителя. На выбор можно было приобрести золотой, розовое золото, серебристый, Jet Black и (PRODUCT) Red оттенки корпусов.

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iPhone 7 Plus microphone issue

I am having issues with an iPhone 7 Plus. I'm not sure whether this is an audio IC problem or just the microphone. Dictation doesn't work and Siri can't hear me, but when I plug in headphones it does. Voice memos work and record properly. When I make a video with the rear camera it records the audio properly, but when I record with the selfie camera there is no audio for a few seconds and then it kicks in. Would this be caused by a faulty front camera and microphone flex cable? Thanks!

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This could be either. But based on the symptoms, I would start with the front camera (and microphone) assembly.

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A bit late of a reply, but the front camera and mic flex solved the issue. Thanks.


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