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Представленный 3-его марта 20 17 г. Nintendo Switch- это портативная приставка, способная устанавливаться в док-станцию и выводить картинку на TV

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Broke off a part on the inside of my switch- What is it + how to fix?

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I was redoing the thermal paste on my switch, and accidentally broke off two tiny little metal squares - the two on the left of the four circled in the image. They flew off somewhere and since they're less than 1mm big I cannot find them, and have no idea what they even are or how to fix them. How badly did I break my switch and is there anything I can do?

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i dont have a board to hand atm but since there are traces at both sides im going to say they are resistors that lead to the cpu, they will need replaced. not sure what values they are

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