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Представленный 3-его марта 20 17 г. Nintendo Switch- это портативная приставка, способная устанавливаться в док-станцию и выводить картинку на TV

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My right side rail wont connect with any joy con.

Hi, ive replaced the right side rail myself and it still has this problem where no joycon will connect, everything works fine wirelessy just wont connect to the console

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Hey, Warren.

I saw this post and I was quickly puzzled. I myself don't service Nintendo products often, but I hope this will help. There are a couple things you could try.

First what I would suggest is trying other Joy-Con's to see if they will connect.

If that doesn't work, there is likely a disconnected cable. You should open the console and ensure that all of the internal cables and connectors are properly in place. If they are not,correct the alignment and continue inspecting the device. If there are no other visible issues, close your device and attempt to connect a Joy-Con.

I hoped this was helpful.

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Thanks for your comment shane!

Unfortunately i have took apart the console yesterday to make sure all ribbon caes are comnect properly and it didnt look wrong to me. I have tried to connect other joycons with no avail (even tried split hori pro, a non wireless joy con alternative)

The stange thing is it still charges my joy cons but doesnt register its connected.



I'm sorry to hear that. You could attempt to connect a wireless controller, but I know they are expensive. The only thing I can think of at the moment is that maybe your ribbon cables are faulty, or there is an issue in whatever part of the device manages wireless connections. That part of the device's internals(I think) also manages the input from Joy-Cons, wired or wireless. I'm sorry, but I'm not an expert on Nintendo products.


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