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Repair and disassembly information for the first generation of Apple's high-end wireless earbuds. Released in October 2019. Identified by model numbers A2084 (left earbud), A2083 (right earbud), and A2190 (charging case).

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My force sensor is going off on its own

I bought some new airpods pro 1st gen, and only the right airpod’s force sensor is activating on it’s own. I could leave it on the table by itself and can hear the sensor activating. Is there a way to fix this? I’ve bought a replacement but for some reason my case doesnt detect when its inserted into it.

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If you received a replacement and have to pair it with the case, use this guide to help you do that.

How to Pair Replacement AirPods Pro to Airpods Pro Case

If you just bought them, you may be able to return them and say that they are defective, and they should provide you with a new pair.

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