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Boot device not found

When open computer it shows boot device not found

Please install operating system

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Can you hear the HDD spin up when first starting the laptop?

Turn on or restart the computer, and when the HP logo appears, press f10 to enter Computer Setup (BIOS) and check if the HDD is being detected by the BIOS.

If you can't hear the HDD spinning and it is not being shown in BIOS the HDD may have failed

If you can hear it spinning then it may be a corrupted MBR in the HDD.

What OS is installed inthe laptop e.g. Win 7, Win 8, Win10, Win11 etc?


It is windows 10 my bios version is like another type please give me some instructions

Model : hp ProBook 640 g1


Yes i change version setting in bios and i change boot mode also but still nothing


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Hi well this article might be helpful for you: https://wethegeek.com/boot-device-not-fo...

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