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Problems with calling people

I have Samsung A21. USB C port didn't want to charge most of the time. I replaced this port and it looks it is working but I got different problems instead.

  1. When I'm in the basement I can't call at all. I get error" You are not registered to network".
  2. When I'm upstairs I can call after doing restart but most people don't hear or hear me bad.

I reinstalled sim card. There are no updates needed.

Any ideas?

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I believe either the daughter board is bad or the installation wasn't done well.

on the daughter board you will find the charging port, the audio jack, a microphone and a antenna connection.

The way it sound it would be either a bad installation where the antenna wasn't reconnected and the microphone placement isn't flush where it needs to be. Or the new board itself is the issue.

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Today I opened my phone again. I reinstalled antenna, flex cable and usb board. Everything looks the same. The only issue I see is the antenna cable which looks bad at spots where it bends. Maybe wire is broken inside plastic. I ordered new usb board and antenna. If this won't help I have to buy new phone...

I tested my phone a little more.

1. When I'm in my basement I can't call anybody. Error "phone isn't registered with network". I have no internet.

2. When I'm upstairs or outside I can call and I have internet but usually after restart or turning on/off airplane mode.

3. All people says my voice is broken or they hear only parts of what I say.

4. The best voice is on speaker mode.

5. When I open youtube, all videos are gray, it takes upto 3min to load miniatures and descriptions. When I open any movie it plays for a while and then it stop to buffer for long times...

Same thing happens with websites.

6. Wifi works normal.


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