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Представленный 3-его марта 20 17 г. Nintendo Switch- это портативная приставка, способная устанавливаться в док-станцию и выводить картинку на TV

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My Switch works doesnt work in handheld/tabletop mode

before anyone asks my warranty is expired. I can play any game perfectly fine without any issues on dock, but if i try to play on handheld/tabletop with the same game it doesnt work anymore!! When i try to play a game on HM it works normally for about 10-20secs then the screen will start to glitch/freeze (bgm of the game is still playing) then say "The Software was closed because an error occured" it doesnt have any error code. The ONLY game that works on handheld/tabletop is just dance which is played on dock.

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the freezing etc could be caused by the wifi chip or maybe the fan isn't working

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that might be the case but how does that explain it still working on dock mode?


@plzhelpme_ the screen is off when its docked so its using less power


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