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Why is my replacement battery charging to 96% then crawling to 100%

Hello community forum!

I wanted to check if anyone knows why my iFixit replacement battery for a secondhand iPhone 6s seems to charge at a normal pace until 96% then takes forever to reach 100%. Honestly, it takes so long that I often have to settle for a 80% - 96% charge since I would have to wait around for hours for the phone to reach 100%. Since I inherited this phone from someone else, I can't say if the original Apple battery had the same issue. Any ideas or information would be welcome.


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ps: after some Googling I came across articles detailing a feature introduced with iOS 13 called Optimized Battery Charging. Taking this into consideration, wondering if I should turn Optimized Battery Charging OFF or leave it ON. Thanks again everyone!


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From a chemistry perspective, lithium batteries don't "like" to be empty nor full. Something like 20%-80% is the goldilocks zone for them. These days, a lot of devices prevent you from fully discharging or charging lithium batteries to prolong their life, which I suppose is why battery capacities listed by manufacturers can be oddly specific numbers in mAh.

I don't have an iPhone, but in your case it could be that this Optimized Battery Charging feature could be functioning exactly as intended. Normally phones take longer to go from 90% to 100% than from, say, 40% to 50%, but generally by an order of minutes rather than hours. It could be that when you have this feature on, iOS just really doesn't want the phone to charge to 100%. I wouldn't rule out an issue just yet, but that 96% - 100% charge isn't really worth waiting around for, bc it will drop below that rather quickly when you're using the phone anyway.

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Thank you JermBotFix. Great to know there's nothing wrong with my battery and that it's actually better for it to not charge to 100%. Appreciate you taking the time to answer my question.


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