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The Meta Quest 2 (formerly Oculus Quest 2) was released in October 2020 and is the successor to the Oculus Quest.

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All my controllers have strong stick drift, how to solve?

My controllers are really glitch when trying to play any game,

I've tried; contacting quest on WhatsApp, taking off the black plates, and trying to clean them.

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are they visibly drifting on the controller? or just in games?


Both problems


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It’s a hard wear issue but I do know of a possible solution there is these cleaning sprays for eletronics currently can remember that name but my fav YouTuber of all time tronicsfix does show the product try watching a few of his vids to see it maybe (not a advertisement just simply can remember and that’s where I got it from)

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The thing is I can't get my hands on it because we don't have the wd-80 in our country. And is the same online, all of it is out of stock


@sombitch try to get sone


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Hi Exiled, I have a repair guide on how to fix this problem. I hope it helps you!
How to fix stick drift on the Oculus Quest 2

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