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Лучший смартфон Apple на 2021 год. Выпущенный 24 сентября iPhone 13 Pro Max оснащен 6,7-дюймовым OLED-дисплеем ProMotion, новой системой с тройной задней камерой и возможностью подключения 5G. Преемник iPhone 12 Pro Max.

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Why is most of my screen darker?

My phone’s display looks like in the picture, where only the upper part of the display is well-lit, I noticed that when I reset the phone, the screen looks equally dark across the entire screen(which wouldn’t be bad to be honest), then after the first lock and unlock it looks like the image again, is there any fix to this (just having the entire screen the same tone would be enough)

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hello Lifegamer,

It looks like a broken screen but it doesn't have to be. Similar behavior will show a screen where someone was working on SIP and did the job wrong. If the phone is new, the manufacturer's warranty is still valid. Take advantage of it. If used one and you just bought it (you don't write anything about the origin of the phone, which is important from a diagnostic point of view) expect a screen problem. The last thing on my mind is a system crash. Model 13 is relatively young and most of the so-called permanent faults have not yet been discovered. If it's one of them, maybe a system restore will help.

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Yeah, it was used and this issue was included in the listing, for a price of 450 bucks , I bought it and now I’d just like to see if it can be fixed/work at a single brightness level without having to buy another screen


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