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Dark shadow on the top right corner, after battery replacement

I have started my battery replacement steps by, disconnecting battery connector, removing three screen connectors then attaching the new battery and its connector then finally the screen. After powering up I found a dark shadow on the top right corner of the screen which I dunno the reason of it. Do I clean the three connectors of the screen?

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Thanks for sharing experiences and workarounds. I got my phone fixed just leaving it overnight charging. I found the backlight working back normally.

I am still trying to figure out the reasons for this to happen whether it’s kind of contamination seal dust on the connectors or it just needed heat.

Anyway it’s the best to gather much information before you take any step :D

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not necessarily clean the connectors, but maybe take the phone apart again, and reseat all the connectors. if i had to guess, i'm thinking the plugs may not be fully seated, or the bracket/shield may not be fully screwed down and it's placing pressure against the back of the display in that area.

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Hi Peter,

I ran into the same situation myself on a 6S Plus I was fixing up for my granddaughter.

Turns out there are two sets of LEDs along the top edge of the screen that serve as the light source for the backlight, one on the left half and one on the right half.

I can say fairly definitively that the right half set of LEDs is out on your phone, because that's exactly what mine looked like.

I messed around with mine quite a bit but didn't have any luck getting it to light back up again. It's theoretically possible to replace the backlight, but very difficult; I had an old broken screen I used as an experiment and ultimately wasn't successful in disassembling it far enough to replace the backlight without damaging parts.

Having given it the old college try, I ended up ordering a new screen, which fixed the problem. Given the age of the phone, replacement screens are getting very cheap; they're averaging about $15 USD on Amazon, and can be found even cheaper if you shop around at places like eBay and AliExpress.

Anyway, yeah, try cleaning the display cable; that's the one that carries the backlight power. Check both sides carefully with a magnifying glass and a bright light for any bent or broken pins; bent pins can occasionally be straightened with fine tip tweezers. Check the flex cable for any signs of damage as well.

If nothing helps, then ultimately the fix is going to be to replace the screen. Obviously you already know how to do that, so I'll dispense with my usual habit of linking to guides.

Good luck; let us know what you find!

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