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Released in 2019 by Redmi, it has a Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 439 Octa-core processor and a 13.8cm (5.45) HD+ Full Screen Display, enough for most normal users

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Why is my SIM card tray stuck?

My SIM card tray stucked and can't be open.

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@Ahga couple of questions if you don't mind: Are you using the right ejection pin, have you tried (and successfully) opened it before, can you see any damage on the tray, is there build up of dirt, lint, etc. If you don't mind adding all that to your question that would help a lot.


Can you please share some pictures?


Sim card network problem


Lekhram Sahu, SIM network problem and tray stuck are not related in this senario.


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try using a paperclip

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Ahga Bong будет вечно благодарен.
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