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Repair and disassembly information for the first-generation Apple Watch SE, announced September 18th, 2020.

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Como arreglar pantalla de un Apple Watch SE


How to fix screen of an Apple Watch SE

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Выбранное решение

Eduardo Lavín, The first thing you’ll have to do, is to get hold of a replacement screen. Luckily, iFixit sells those in Apple Watch - SE Запчасти. Both the 40mm and the 44mm.

Then you’ll have to get a hold of some tools, which iFixit also sells. If you plan on doing many repairs, then you should go for one of the kits, as they contains multiple of the tools needed. At the very least you’ll need a spudger, a heating pad, some clamps, Y000 trilobe screwdriver, etc.

If you have a look at the guide for the screen replacement of this device, you’ll see parts and tools needed listed there. Note: In the guide it uses the iOpener, and whilst the iOpener is good, I personally far prefer the use of a heating pad that I can set to the temperature that I want, and it keeps a constant temperature.

Warning: This is a delicate repair, and the flex cables are VERY fragile and easily damaged!!!

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