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Xbox One controller was introduced in 2016 with the launch of the Xbox One S and adds Bluetooth support for Windows 10/11. This controller fixes many of the design flaws found on the Model 1537/1697 controllers and is much more reliable. This controller has been replaced with the improved Model 1914 controller.

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xbox 1 controller RB, LB, X, Y, A, Dpad, and menu buttons not working

please help, almost all the button don't work. I've cleaned the contacts with isopropyl alcohol and replaced the rubber contacts. Only the analog sticks(with click), B, LT, and RT work

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The bottom motherboard is responsible for all of the buttons you mentioned. Replacing this part will most likely fix your buttons. It is odd that your controller has power, though. The micro-USB port is also on the bottom motherboard. If your controller works plugged in, then I suspect that the exact problem is a couple faulty pins in the connection between the bottom motherboard and the upper one. Visually inspect the pins on the square connector that connects the two boards to make sure that there is no visual damage or discoloration on the top board (since you're replacing the bottom one). If the top board looks intact, then I highly suggest replacing the bottom board.

Xbox One S Controller (1708) Motherboard Изображение


Xbox One S Controller (1708) Motherboard


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